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Working Group Proposal Page


PPE Society Working Group Proposal Form

Working Group proposals should include: 1. a rationale, 2. a proposed working group leader or leaders, 3. a description of goals you'd like the group to work towards, and 4. a description of the type of members you'd like to invite to join. Please also use the "Notes" field to explain how you'd like to be supported by the PPE Society.

  • i.e. Associate Professor, Chair of Philosophy, etc.
  • What would you like the official title to be for this working group (i.e. the Ethics and Public Policy Working Group)?
  • 500 words max.
  • Please list three goals at minimum.
  • Please list the type of scholars you'd like to invite who would benefit from participating in this working group.
  • Please use this field for any other comments (i.e. the type of events you'd like to host and/or how the PPE Society can help you achieve your stated goals).