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  • Joe Tinguely (University of South Dakota)
  • Aaron James (University of California, Irvine)



  • Build a network of scholars across PPE disciplines to promote research on monetary theory and practice
  • Establish a common framework for debate on topics concerning money
  • Host regular (quarterly) virtual meetings and convene in person at annual PPE meeting
  • Generate scholarly presentations, papers, chapters, and manuscripts


  • Scholars from across all PPE disciplines (philosophy, political science, political theory, economics, economic sociology, history and classics)
  • The Money Working Group would endeavor to recruit new members into PPE 
  • Active academic practitioners conducting research on money and monetization across all levels and ranks (including graduate students, post-docs, junior and senior faculty, and independent researchers)
  • Scholars with a foundation in disciplinary methods but willing to engage across disciplinary lines

See: About | Events | Past Events | Current Members


Money is a topic that spans philosophy, politics, and economics. Understanding the nature of money theoretically and determining practical policies requires both discipline specific expertise as well as the cross-disciplinary collaboration. The PPE Society is uniquely suited to bring together scholars from across a variety of fields to undertake research and debate on the nature and role of money in modern ethics, politics, and economics.

There is currently a surge of scholarly interest in money—for example, both Palgrave and Oxford have Handbooks on money and finance appearing in 2024. And yet, fundamental questions still remain unanswered, for example, to what extent do sound policy goals require consensus on the history and philosophy of money? In the current state of play, different disciplines appear to operate with different conceptions of money and risk talking past each other, if they talk to each other at all. Despite a common interest, there is a common confusion about monetary theory and practice.

The rationale for this working group is to build a network of scholars across PPE disciplines in order to establish a useful framework for theoretical debate and practical policy. While scholars from different disciplines may remain focused on different aspects of money, it would greatly improve current theory and practice if a broad plurality of scholars were conversant with each other’s notions and interests in money.

The efforts of the money working group would primarily concern building a common framework and network concerning money across PPE-adjacent fields. 

The working group events be directed initially to two primary activities: (1) a “works in progress” series and (2) a “reading group” series.

Upcoming Events:

To be included in all communications about upcoming events and reading groups, please join our listserv by emailing

Work in Progress Talk (virtual):
Perry Mehrling

January 22, 2025, 1:30 pm EST

Professor Mehrling (Professor of International Political Economy at Boston University) has shared with us some recent work in development as well as some helpful primers for those coming to his work for the first time or from outside of economics. He will also be on hand to help facilitate the discussion and answer any questions from the group.

We’re excited for this opportunity not only to read Mehrling’s work but to discuss it with him. Please do feel welcome to join in and to extend the invitation to others who may be interested. 

The discussion will take place on WednesdayJanuary 22.

EST: 1:30pm

CST: 12:30pm

MST: 11:30am

PST: 10:30am

Past Events:

Work in Progress Talk (virtual):
Graham Hubbs

September 18, 2024, 3:00pm EST/12:00pm PST

Graham Hubbs will pre-circulate a full draft of his paper for those who want to read on it ahead of time.  Reading ahead isn’t required.

For the benefit of both those who have and haven’t had a chance to read the paper ahead of time, Graham will begin with a short (5-10) minute summary of the main argument. 

Aaron James and Joe Tinguely will volunteer to get discussion rolling by leading with discussion questions.  The bulk of the time will be dedicated to open discussion among attendees.  We’ll aim to officially conclude by the top of the hour, but unofficially Graham will stay on the line if people wish to continue the discussion.

Similar arrangements can be made via the listserv for anyone who has a “Works in Progress” you’d like to present.  As long as a critical mass of people (2 or 3 people?) are free, one could schedule and have a Zoom discussion under the group’s auspices

PPE Society Annual Meeting:
Meet and Greet

November 14, 2024, 5:15 pm CT, The Westin NOLA Lobby

Aaron James and Graham Hubbs will requisition a section of seating in the bar area prior to the reception on 11/14/2024.  It’s a good chance to put faces and names together, commiserate about shared interests, and compare ideas about what projects should exist.  All are welcome. Please come by and introduce yourself.

Ad Hoc:
Virtual Reading Groups

The idea for reading groups is for people with similar interests to find each other and to arrange ad hoc virtual reading groups that others would be welcome to join.

For example, Joe Tinguely has some interest in discussing Georg Simmel’s short essay (~6000 words) “Money in Modern Culture”.  If anyone else is interested send a message through the listserv we’ll arrange a date and time for a virtual meeting with enough lead time and advance communication that others may plan to join if they wish.

Likewise, anyone may propose possible readings and organize a meeting through the listserv.