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ACTA Designates PPE B.I.S. as a Hidden Gem for its Robust Liberal Arts Curriculum

ACTA Designates Philosophy, Politics and Economics, B.I.S. as a Hidden Gem for its Robust Liberal Arts Curriculum

Washington, DC—The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) is proud to designate Philosophy, Politics and Economics, B.I.S. (PPE) at Georgia State University as a Hidden Gem. ACTA’s Hidden Gems initiative shines a light on honors programs, major degree programs, minor degree programs, and certificate programs that guide students through a high-quality and coherent interdisciplinary education across the liberal arts. Philosophy, literature, politics, history, and the Great Books of Western Civilization are topics that are often focal points. The interdisciplinary PPE degree at Georgia State University grants students the unique opportunity to discover the diversity and connections between philosophy, politics, and economics in courses ranging from Microeconomics to Ethics.

“PPE is a growing field that merges the best of the humanities with the best of social science to help students develop their analytic and communication skills as well their abilities in quantitative analysis,” says Andrew Jason Cohen, founding director of PPE. “We at the GSU Program in PPE are thrilled to see our contribution to quality education recognized; we are tremendously grateful to be named an ACTA Hidden Gems Program!”

Veronica Mayer Bryant, ACTA’s director of curricular improvement, said, “Because ACTA’s Hidden Gem programs range from minors to majors to certificates, students can receive a first-class liberal arts education, either supplementing their major or as their primary major, no matter what kind of school they attend. Hidden Gems faculty have carefully designed a cohesive course of study so that students learn a broad swathe of the liberal arts and sciences. They also immerse students in an enriching learning community. Through our Hidden Gems initiative, ACTA hopes to direct inquisitive students to academic programs that deepen their knowledge of intellectual interests while exposing them to other fields.”

ACTA’s Hidden Gems initiative serves as a complement to our What Will They Learn?® (WWTL) project. WWTL rates the core curriculum requirements at over 1,100 schools to determine which institutions provide a rigorous, liberal arts-oriented general education. Programs designated as Hidden Gems offer a robust liberal arts education regardless of their home institution’s core curriculum. WWTL and Hidden Gems help prospective students locate universities and programs that will prepare them for successful careers, informed citizenship, and human flourishing.

See a comprehensive list of all Hidden Gems here.



ACTA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to academic freedom, academic excellence, and accountability in higher education. We receive no government funding and are supported through the generosity of individuals and foundations.


Published inPPE News