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PPE Society Local Chapter Form

Local Chapter Application

PPE Society Local Chapters are designed for groups of students interested in Philosophy, Politics and Economics as a rigorous, integrated, and interdisciplinary area of study. Benefits of being a Local Chapter of the PPE Society include official recognition, which may help you secure institutional and independent funding; updates regarding PPE-related conferences, events, and other announcements; discounted registration for the PPE Society Annual Meeting; and a network of peers to collaborate with and consult.

Would your college or university benefit from a PPE Society Chapter? If so, please complete this form to apply for local chapter recognition from the PPE Society. Although you must have an active, institutionally sanctioned organization to be an active chapter of the PPE Society, you may apply for chapter recognition on spec, so to speak, if you are in the process of gaining institutional recognition. If this is the case, please keep us updated as to your status by emailing

PPE Society Local Chapter Application

If your organization has an existing web presence, please provide a link here. If your organization does not have an existing web presence, you may provide a link after chapter acceptance by emailing Thank you!
Mailing Address(Required)
Secondary Officer Name
Faculty Sponsor Name(Required)
Max. file size: 10 MB.
Please provide a letter from your faculty sponsor indicating willingness provide guidance and continuity for this organization, and contribute to the overall development and sustainability of the group. This letter may also mention relevant campus initiatives, programming, grants or other funding, partnerships, etc. in which the organization currently takes part, or is planning to take part.
Organizations must be in good standing to be eligible for membership. I certify that this organization:(Required)